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In this self-service you can pay contributions to the Danish Labor Market Fund for Posted Workers as a foreign employer. You will need this: RUT number and password in the letter from The Danish Labor Market Fund for Posted Workers (AFU).

What you need to do:

  1. Click ‘Start’
  2. Log in using the RUT number and password in the letter
  3. Click ‘Pay’
  4. Approve the terms of payment and proceed to payment
  5. Enter card details
  6. Click ‘Execute payment’.

The Danish Labor Market Fund for Posted Workers is a jointly and severally funded scheme to ensure that employees posted to Denmark receive the wages to which they are entitled.

The Danish Labor Market Fund for Posted Workers is a jointly and severally funded scheme to ensure that employees posted to Denmark receive the wages to which they are entitled. If a posted employee is not paid the wages owing to him or her by a foreign employer, The Danish Labor Market Fund for Posted Workers can pay out the wages if the conditions for payment are met. The foreign employer is subsequently included in a public list of employers who have not paid the correct wages to their employees.

ou are a foreign employer if you are registered in an EU / EEA member state and posting employees to Denmark who are carrying out work for a Danish principal. A Danish principal is a Danish company that has made an agreement with a foreign employer about carrying out work in Denmark for the Danish company.


The Danish Labor Market Fund for Posted Workers is a jointly and severally financed scheme which ensures that posted employees receive their wages while working in Denmark. All foreign employers providing services that post workers in Denmark must contribute to The Fund in the same way as Danish employers. This enables The Fund to pay wages and salaries to seconded employees who have not received the pay to which they are entitled. Your contribution is calculated on the basis of your number of full-time employees who carry out the work in Denmark. The number of employees is based on the information you have provided to the Register for Foreign Service Providers (RUT). Therefore, it is important that your information in RUT is reported correctly. The collection payment order will be sent to the email address recorded in RUT. Read more about RUT

Contribution rate

The contribution rate is fixed once a year. You will receive a contribution payment order each quarter for as long as you provide services in Denmark.

YearYearly Contribution Per Full-time Employee
2021DKK 17.00
2020DKK 12.00
2019DKK 4.50
2018DKK 7.20
2017DKK 7.20
2016DKK 11.20

DENMARK 01012021

Payment options

There are several options when paying the contributions:

  • Via self-service
  • Foreign bank transfer
  • Debit / credit card

If you pay via a foreign bank transfer or with debit / credit card, you can choose to pay an extra amount into your account, which will be used to pay your future contributions. The next charges will then be debited automatically, and you will not receive any invoices until the amount of money is spent. Furthermore, if you pay via a foreign bank transfer, it is important that you write your Register of Foreign Service Providers number (RUT no.) As reference for the payment.

Pay contributions as a foreign employer (in Danish)

Go to self-service

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