Contract of Representation of Transport & Construction Companies Macron Law
Welcome to the electronic form for signing a representation contract for transport companies and / or construction companies
naval and / or companies for the construction sector (BTP). After completing and signing this form electronically, you will receive the
detailed contract and we will register your file. You will receive our response within 72 hours. For more information
please contact us by phone +33 7 88 36 58 19 (FR EN LT RU PL) + WhatsApp / Viber or by email:
GRAMTAX - trusted representative in the following countries
GRAMTAX is trusted representative in countries like: BELGIUM, GERMANY, NETHERLANDS, LUXEMBOURG, AUSTRIA, ITALY and DENMARK. Our international team is made up of doctors in tax law who can answer all your questions.

From Monday to Friday :
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.